I am eagerly counting down the days until my expander is removed..
It is still the most annoying contraption I have ever had to deal with in my lifetime.
I haven't expanded in a while now, over a month at least. I am still experiencing pressure, not with my teeth but my whole face. To me it feels as though my bones are attempting to move back to where they once were. I have days when the pressure is more noticeable and eating is a real chore. Then there are others where it I don't feel anything at all.
I'm not sure if its a subconscious thing, but I just have a sense that everything in my mouth is quite unstable at the moment, less now than a week ago.
My bite hasn't changed. So I am still unable to eat normal food such as a sandwich in public due to having a bite that doesn't meet. I eat them at home because I don't care if my husband thinks that I am part hyena after seeing me rip it apart with my teeth and drop half of it out as I bite....
This has been posing some problems at work. I either have soup, noodles or lasagne. It has become quite repetitive and is obviously not too nutritious as I have lost the two kilos I managed to put back on after losing them when having the expander for about two weeks. I don't have much weight to spare at the moment.
Brushing is still a chore. I will take my full half hour break at work to eat, and be left with -2 minutes to brush. This doesn't remove all traces of food either, but I can't take my waterpik to work everyday. So long as any annoying bits are gone, I am ok until I get home.
I am getting a little nervous for my extractions. I have just over five weeks to go before the expander is out, so not too long before the extractions come around.
It's more how they will look then the pain, how vain am I?
Oh well. Isn't that what this is all about anyway? Looking and feeling better....