Saturday 13 April 2013

Day 127.

So excited. Four days to go and my expander is getting removed.
There are no words to explain how much I anticipate that moment when I can finally feel the roof of my mouth again, speak as fast as I like without stuttering terribly and eat food without it getting stuck everywhere! Hahah!
I can just imagine the freedom....
For a short while anyway. I have four extractions coming up in the next month or so, and then braces on 3-4 weeks later.
I understand braces have common side effects with expanders, but I doubt my speech will be altered from braces. Let alone mentioning how an expander feels like an enormous amount of metal when in your mouth. It took me about three days after it was put in before I stopped gagging from having something constantly touch the back of my tongue.
Also, braces are placed on the outer side of the teeth (well most, you can get ones that go on the inner side for a much larger price, they can't be seen from the outside.) that is a comfort to me as my tongue has copped a beating off the expander. I have a smooth surface on my tongue where the expander bar rests, and the small cuts from just general rubbing have been painful.
The side of my mouth is pretty sore too. The bracket that is bonded to the molar is giant and sticks out a good 5mm, it gets caught when I eat and rubs against my mouth when I talk, so I won't miss that. I haven't used wax for a month or longer, so that isn't helpful to the situation. Wax really helps when i do have it and use it. Braces will do the same, the brackets will rub and irritate the mouth but I will keep up with applying wax then.
My teeth are feeling quite good again, there are still some days where I have pain but I think that is just settling, they have moved a fair amount in the last four months.
I am getting quite giddy at the thought that I will finally have straight teeth in the not too distant future, I still can't imagine what I will look like though.
Maybe this ---> : D

Any who, not much to report at the moment, I will be sure to update when I have had the awful thing removed. I am quite interested to see if it will be a painful process, (as the insertion was not at all) but it is glued or 'bonded' to my molars with some kind of super-duper glue. I am not afraid of a little pain at the dentist, it's the constant ache that you get with orthodontic devices after your visit that affects me the most. I get depressed when I have to eat because chewing is painful and so I have to get something I didn't necessarily want at that moment just so the texture of food is easy to chew. As a result, I don't eat much and loose weight. I need to really start and make a diet that is plausible, healthy and easy.
I have never been a person who likes cooking though. I will clean before I will choose to cook.... Funny that.

Post again in a few days! Eekkk!

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