In a previous post I mentioned my inability to take pain medication, well this was due to the advice of my obstetrician, as I am pregnant!
6 1/2 months along now actually!
I had just found out about it before I had my braces put on.
We (dear husband and I) are pretty over the moon about it! I wasn't planning on being pregnant before braces went on but definitely wanted to be soon after.
No complications arise from it in the dental area, it just hinders the x-rays being done. Hygiene is a bigger deal though as pregnant women are prone to gingivitis.
Pregnancy actually helps with the movement of teeth as a hormone is produed to help move hips and well, all bones in preparation of baby getting bigger and being delivered. My teeth look so different to me now!
I have all teeth in the wire now, 3 power chains and just got rid of my springs at my last appointment.
I'm sure I will post again soon! I will share all the ins and outs of being a wired pregnant woman then....
Here's a progress pic. As usual, not the best quality, but good enough.
I’ve been binge reading your braces post, I had my braces on for 5 months, every month I'm going back because things keep going wrong.