Just a little update. Not much to share, my teeth are straightening up beautifully. I have one gap on my right side which is still open and a powerchain across the front of my teeth to assist in closing it up, it's still taking its time. My son is almost 10 months now and i have been back to work for 6 of those months (he is enrolled at my service) so this explains my lack of updates other than the 'not much to say' factor.
No further cavities detected and i am doing a 'good job' at keeping my mouth clean so my dentist advises me at visits. Although i have just had a slight bout of gingivitis at the front evident through bleeding when brushing but easily fixed with the right size Pikster and mouth wash. A dental hygienist is great at tips and tricks...
Piksters are brilliant little lifesavers that i frequently use to remove bits of food stuck between bands, brush under the wire or to floss between teeth. But i was not using the right size, now i am.
i will also remind you about the trusty waterpik!! Get one!
And while i am at it, Colgate triple stripe is my favourite toothpaste..... i just use a soft bristle brush (not fussed on brands of brushes)
Any who, the whole point of my blog was to document the journey of my teeth which i am over the moon about! I have spent many hours wondering what i would look like with nice teeth, now i daydream about what i would look like with no braces, my teeth are great now. But mostly i want to share with others about the likelihood of Adult palate expansion being successful, i am proof of this. I had no surgery, just removal of teeth which did not negatively alter my facial structure.
If you're wondering if you should try it, I would seriously reccomend you do.
I will update again when i have something substantial to add.
:) <------- thats my new smile! ;)
I know I see you all the time but you need to post PEEKTURES! Your smile is so beautiful after all the hard work! Not that it wasn't beautiful before, but I know you are much happier with it now.