Sunday 24 February 2013

Day 79

I thought I would do a quick update with a progress picture....
My teeth don't seem to feel any pressure from the last turns that the orthodontist did, but my face feels it.
Just a dull ache across the bridge of my nose and cheekbones, the last of the dreaded expansion pain!
I'm pretty excited about getting the expander removed. I am trying to work out all my appointments so that I don't have too much of a delay between visits after it comes off.... Fingers crossed that my usually booked out dentist squeezes me in somewhere...

So, the picture...
These are my teeth, they aren't pleasant, but a few of them only have a matter of time before they're gone for good and making much needed space for the others. All that you can really see from this shot is the expansion of my actual palate. Quite significant if i say so myself, without surgery and on a 27 year old woman, who says that it doesn't work?

My smile is included, this is to show the crookedness of it and the general crowding of my teeth at the front.

Hopefully in a few months time, I will have a much better profile for photographing!

Fingers crossed!

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